Use our Free Diminished Value Calculator to have a starting point for negotiating your claim. It generates its values using a proven methodology consistent with professional pricing in the used car market, which is combined with a complex algorithm that factors in all of the data elements provided by the user. The developers of the FDVC software that powers this site have over 30 years experience in auto appraisal management at major insurance companies, and over 20 years experience in professional car buying.
With the ready availability of Carfax reports, your vehicle’s history will be discoverable by prospective car buyers. You will likely have difficulty selling it and you will get less money for it. If you attempt to trade it in to a dealership, the dealership may refuse to take the vehicle, or will substantially discount the trade-in credit they offer you because the vehicle was in an accident.
In order to provide accident victims with the best low cost, self-help service we charge a fee of $9.99 for use of our instant diminished value calculator. Once you get your calculated diminished value estimate you will receive an email with a coupon for $9.99 off one of our diminished value packages. There’s no charge to your credit card if your claim doesn’t qualify!

Free Diminished Value Calculator
Use our diminished value calculator to empower yourself with knowledge against the insurance company’s offer, or their out right claim denial.
There’s no charge to your credit card if your claim doesn’t qualify! For $9.99 you’ll get an instant estimate to see if your claim is worth pursuing. You’ll then be provided with a coupon code for $9.99 off one of our diminished value packages